YRE at the International Conference “Transforming Education for Children and Youth”

On 16-18 September 2016, Centre for Environment Education (CEE) India hosted the International Conference entitled “Transforming Education for Children and Youth” in Ahmedabad, India.

During the conference the Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) programme was presented by Gosia Luszczek, YRE International Programme Director, who chaired the session on youth and its role in sustainable education.

The session highlighted the role of education for youth in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on good practice examples whilst underlining innovative strategies and methodologies in pedagogy and curriculum in both formal and non-formal settings.

Young reporters from YRE India actively participated in discussions during the conference. In addition, they worked as journalists reporting on all sessions and discussions throughout the CEE Conference and the FEE General Assembly.

The reports written by students are showcased on the YRE Exposure page.